SexEd receives an ABOG Fellowship for Socially-Engaged Art (SEA)!

We are so happy to announce that we are the recipients of an ABOG Fellowship for SociallyEngaged Art (SEA) for SexEd. This one-year fellowship pairs $20,000 in unrestricted project support with strategic assistance, assessment and documentation of each project, access to facilities, and other tailored resources.

The SEA Fellowship will support SexEd as it initiates an artist residency at the school-based health center and develops an arts-based sexual health curriculum at Washington Irving High School Campus in New York City. SexEd will focus on key themes identified by students, teachers and health center staff on campus including HIV/AIDS, gender, healthy relationships, pleasure, and consent.

We are one of 7 projects ABOG is funding this year, for more info check out their website:

Healthy Relationship Posters

Inspired by our collaborative definition of a healthy relationship, freshmen at Washington Irving created some really amazing posters to encourage other students to choose healthy relationships! The posters will be on display in the 422 Health Center. See them on flickr:



Healthy Relationships at Washington Irving

Based on the feedback we got from Washington Irving students at the health fair, we’re using our three HealthClass2.0 sessions to create:

1. A collaborative definition of what a healthy relationship is and feels like.

2. Posters, inspired by this definition, to encourage other students to choose healthy relationships.

The final posters will be exhibited in the 422 Health Center!

Washington Irving Campus Health Fair Nov. 14, 2013

SexEd was at the Washington Irving Campus Health Fair in NYC, asking students what they wanted to learn in sex ed class. We’ll be using this info to plan our HealthClass2.0 workshops and spring Parsons course. We’re still tallying the hundreds of responses–thanks to everyone who participated!